
This section provides a detailed description of the unique archival wealth that comprises the unpublished material of the Centre for Asia Minor Studies.

To access the Archives please contact Barbara Psychoula-Kontogianni, Head of the Library–Archive: tel. +30 210 3239225 or email [email protected].

Digital Files

The preservation of the valuable Archives of the Center for Asia Minor Studies was a primary concern. Our Foundation was positively evaluated by the operational program “Information Society” and based on this the digitization of all collections became possible.

The final digitized material consists of the Oral Tradition Archive (approximately 300,000 manuscript pages with testimonies 5. 000 refugees from almost all regions of Asia Minor), from manuscripts written in the 19th century and the period after the Asia Minor Catastrophe by scholars and non-Mikrasians, from photographs depicting the daily life of the Asia Minor refugees in their homes and depicting the uprooting of 1922 and the settlement in Greece and, finally, from maps and sketches of Asia Minor designed by the Cartographic Service of the Centre for Asia Minor Studies.

Most of the digitised material of the Oral Tradition Archive has been documented and is accessible through the Digital Archives Platform.